City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
City of Fallen Angels is the fourth book in the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare.
The 4th instalment starts us off with Clary back in New York after the Mortal war. Things turned out fairly well in the last book, leaving us thinking that was the final conclusion. But little did we know, the actions during the Mortal war with Valentine would have leave them all stuck with some serious consequences. Clary is excited for her Shadowhunter training and her blossoming relationship with Jace, since she’s finally socially allowed to love him. Jace is in a darker mood than usual, and the reason why stays a mystery to not only Clary, but to us the readers, for a good length of the book. Simon battles with coming to terms with his curse of being a Daylighter vampire. He tries to live life like a normal human boy, but soon realizes none of the relationships in his life will ever be the same. His struggle seems overwhelming with the growing bloodlust, his unacceptance amongst his loved ones and knowing he’s going to outlive everyone. Loneliness seems to be the theme of this book, accompanied by a few twists and turns to keep us sucked into this lovable series.
The rest of the gang is along for the angst filled ride that Clary, Jace and Simon go on, while bringing along new and fresh faces. Overall, the book was solid, but the first half felt a bit slow and dragging. The last half really picked up the pace, staying true to the rest of the MI books. Although, the feeling is darker than the previous books, I enjoyed it once I really got into it. I also feel this was more of a transition book for something way more epic to come, since we have a couple/few more books coming. Clare’s writing style stays smooth and picturesque. I always feel like I’m right there with the characters. After the ups and downs I felt this book had, the ending was awesome, whether you like what happens or not, you will be left begging for the next book.
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